Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Grace Filled Parking Ticket

As one addicted to my gasoline motor I routinely face the challenges of bringing my automobile into San Francisco. Driving through the traffic of the streets, my hybrid suffers the ignominy of dents, scratches, and the occasional flat tire, as well as dodging the Dept of Parking and Traffic’s Traffic Control Officers: TCO’s, meter persons, and their ticket writing capabilities. In a residential zone, every two hours I make the dance of moving my auto around the block for a new parking spot and avoiding the sixty-five dollar ticket.

One morning Doe and I worked in the sacristy. An advantage of that spot is the view of Turk Street, helpful when keeping track of the TCO’s. This particular day I lost track of time and suggested we move our cars, because it’s probably been over two hours.

Once outside we saw one car was ticketed and the other car was next in line; TCO parked in front. We approached the officer and talked with her, explained that we were working at the church and we came out as fast as we could to move our cars. The officer asked, ‘What Church?’ and our reply St Cyprian, on the corner here, surprised her. She didn’t know there was a church on Turk and Lyon. When Cyps was pointed out the officer smiled and said ‘I attend Love Chapel, and have a great pastor, and isn’t it great to know there are other believers here.’ I suggested we join in prayer and Doe led us then and there, the TCO and parking scofflaws, offering thanksgiving for blue skies, good health, and fellowship on the street corner. Community made on the streets of the Western Addition.

Such a moment of grace and shared witness happened on Turk and Lyon, I am thankful to witness and participate in that moment. I look toward the day I share witness as openly as the TCO: ‘I attend St Cyprian’s and have a great community. Come visit us.’ We’re not a secret, we have a great comunity, let the word out!

See you about Turk and Lyon


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